FiNALSAN® Herbicidal Soap is a fast-acting weed, grass, algae, lichen, and moss killer. Using a specially formulated, non-staining, ammoniated soap of fatty acids, FiNALSAN Herbicidal Soap is a non-selective herbicide that controls and suppresses many common annual, biennial, and perennial weeds that grow around field-grown vegetables and fruits; trees and shrubs; and on roofs, decks, patios, walks, bricks, and cement. FiNALSAN Herbicidal Soap can be used any time during the year, even in cool weather, and leaves no harmful residue in the soil.
For established weeds, mix 1 part FiNALSAN with 5 parts water; for other weeds, mix 1 part FiNALSAN with 9 parts water. Apply at a rate of 2 to 4 gallons per 1,000 square feet for optimal results.